Mindfulness & EMDR Treatment Template for Agencies

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MET(T)A is a new and innovative way to envision and implement Addictions treatment that is grounded in the well researched 30 year old theory and practice of EMDR therapy. This approach leans heavily upon the incredible work of those who have explored the use of EMDR therapy with PTSD, addictions and a whole host of issues, and upon the obvious and deep need for trauma resolution to be a focus of sustainable long term recovery.

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Teleseminar w/ Drs. Jamie Marich & Stephen Dansiger

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My colleague and co-author Jamie Marich does a monthly free teleconference where she interviews those who might be helpful to others in the field. In November, it will be Jamie and I talking about our very soon to be released book EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness for Trauma Focused Care. I always look forward to this and other opportunities to tag team with Jamie on the project of transforming suffering for those that we can with EMDR therapy, Mindfulness, and in moving from trauma informed to trauma focused care.

The teleconference is free... For more information and to RSVP, click here