Mindfulness & EMDR Treatment Template for Agencies

323-248-7475 X5

MET(T)A is a new and innovative way to envision and implement Addictions treatment that is grounded in the well researched 30 year old theory and practice of EMDR therapy. This approach leans heavily upon the incredible work of those who have explored the use of EMDR therapy with PTSD, addictions and a whole host of issues, and upon the obvious and deep need for trauma resolution to be a focus of sustainable long term recovery.

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3/27/20 - Zoom Talk: Mindfulness, EMDR Therapy and Telehealth: Lessons from the MET(T)A Protocol

March 27, 2020
9AM to 10:15AM (Pacific)
1-hour of training followed by 15-minutes of Q&A

Those who practice EMDR therapy (and a number of other trauma therapy modalities) have been amongst the most reticent to consider telehealth, and with very understandable arguments. Working directly on traumatic memories with a client who is not in the same room as you, from a safety perspective as well as related to the more complex and nuanced realities of the relational element of therapy, is a daunting prospect for many.

EMDR therapy using telehealth may become easier to accomplish when:

• Mindfulness is in place and Buddhist psychology provides a foundation
• Janet’s three stage model of trauma treatment is honored
• The 8 phase Standard Protocol is our basic structure for practice of EMDR
• The Adaptive Information Processing model provides the guideposts
• Cases are conceptualized through these models, principles and practices
• Modifications are made for telehealth primarily in the realm of safety, resource building, stabilization, preparation, choice of bilateral stimulation, and case conceptualization.

With all these in place the choice of platform and other technology becomes more of a simple logistical shift than an item of hyperfocus, or as a reason to panic and believe we need to change everything we have learned up until now. Modifications and innovation have already been in progress, and others will be made manifest. However, we do not have to reinvent the proverbial wheel.
The first 100 people will be able to join.

Please come to this free webinar. There will be experiential mindfulness opportunities, a review of some best mindfulness practices for telehealth delivery, and education regarding leveraging EMDR as a Complete Psychotherapy in structuring telehealth trauma treatment.