Mindfulness & EMDR Treatment Template for Agencies

323-248-7475 X5

MET(T)A is a new and innovative way to envision and implement Addictions treatment that is grounded in the well researched 30 year old theory and practice of EMDR therapy. This approach leans heavily upon the incredible work of those who have explored the use of EMDR therapy with PTSD, addictions and a whole host of issues, and upon the obvious and deep need for trauma resolution to be a focus of sustainable long term recovery.

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April 22-24: 18th National Conference on Adolescents & Young Adults

  • Tropicana Las Vegas (map)

My therapy career began with a focus on adolescents and young adults, on the heels of my work as a High School teacher and a diversity professional. All that I do therapeutically, including Mindfulness, Buddhist Psychology, EMDR therapy, and trauma-focused care can be especially effective with this population.  At the US Journal 18th National Conference on Adolescents and Young Adults, I am delivering three presentations focused on these topics. 

• Keynote Presentation: Clinical Dharma: Mindfulness-Based Resources to Adequately Regulate Stress in Adolescents and Young Adults - and Those That Provide Their Care

I am also presenting two breakout workshops:

• Workshop #1: Mindfulness, Buddhist Psychology, and EMDR Therapy: Treating Adolescents and Young Adults Through a Trauma-Focused Lens

• Workshop #2: Anger is an Energy! Mindfulness-Based Strategies to Normalize and Manage Anger in Adolescents and Young Adults

Join me in Las Vegas on April 23rd to learn about how to implement these effective treatment approaches for all the young people seeking these ancient and modern modalities.

Click through for more information and to register!